Important Registration Steps:

  1. In the “Promo Code” box, enter eurohub24 for a discount. 
    This applies to all attendees who serve on a EuroHub Team. If you aren’t yet a member of the EuroHub, please do not enter any code.
  2. Select either Individual or Volunteer Registration
    If you are registering more than one person, select the total number you are registering, minus spouses (spouses will be added later at a discounted rate).
  3. If either of these Special Circumstances apply, select the number of add-on tickets that you need. 
    If neither circumstance applies, skip to step 4.
    1. For each spouse attending Media Summit, please select the “Spouse Rate” ticket.
    2. For each individual who does not wish to share a room, please add a “Single Accommodation Preference” ticket.
  4. Click the red “Check Out” button and then answer the following registration questions.
  5. Enter your payment information and click the red “Place Order” button to finalize your order. 
    If you have any trouble with the registration process, please let us know.