OneKingdom Uses the Media to Movements Strategy to Accelerate Making Disciples Throughout Europe
What is Media to Movements (MTM)?
Watch this short video explain media to movements
The Media to Movement Definition

The strategic use of digital media to identify people on a spiritual journey to Christ and connect them with disciple makers who, in turn, equip them to reach their family and friends with the gospel.
The Media to Movement Funnel Explained

A Recent MTM Example Leading To A Bible Study

Watch this short video explanation
The Media to Movement Definition

The strategic use of digital media to identify people on a spiritual journey to Christ and connect them with disciple makers who, in turn, equip them to reach their family and friends with the gospel.
The MTM Funnel Explained

A Recent MTM Example Leading To A Bible Study

The Need in Europe
Europe is filled with millions of people who have little to no access to the Gospel. Out of those millions, how can we identify and connect with those who would be receptive to the Good News? What if that search took days and weeks instead of months and years? With a Media to Movements (MTM) strategy, this is not only possible but proven.
Watch this three minute case study video of how God accelerated our team when we launched MTM in 2018.

Our Vision
Media to Movements Hub
OneKingdom team (sent by Team Expansion) is creating a European Media to Movement Hub with the vision of seeing a MTM Core Team operating in every country across the European continent.
Media to Movements Coaching
Each MTM Core Team is coached, equipped, empowered, and released to use a contextual social media strategy to deliver Gospel messages, find seekers, and connect them with local believers, missionaries, and church communities.

Teams We've Launched
and are partnered with

What We Do
โ We Pray
We pray regularly, asking the God of the Universe to increase His Harvest among the people of Europe.
โ We Seek
We use social media to find Seekers who are on a journey toward Jesus.
โ We Collaborate
We love to collaborate with like-minded individuals and organizations who also desire to see the Gospel spread through disciple-making movements.
โ We Coach
We take teams through a 2-3-month coaching process bringing them from MTM beginners to implementing a robust MTM strategy.
โ We Equip
As we coach, we also equip, empower and release teams to run their MTM strategy in a specific-to-their-context way helping them to catalyze a disciple-making movement.
โ We Create
We create media geared to those with spiritual openness or those who are seeking Jesus. We provide new MTM teams with ready-to-use resources.
Media To Movements Impact Stories
Asim reached out to us after seeing an ad for a free Bible on our Instagram feed.
We discipled him for a month online and then we took a team and met with him for the day, walking him through the scriptures from creation to Christ. On May 28, he was baptized!
Sasha began a conversation with us when he saw an ad on Facebook that began like this:
“You are not a mistake. There is no other person like you.” He clicked on the link that called him to trade fear for peace. On October 19, he was baptized in the name ofย Jesus Christ!