The vision that drives the Eurohub
to see the Great Commission fulfilled in Europe ...together

What is the EuroHub?
We have enjoyed coaching several MTM teams up to the launch of their initiatives. We look forward to continuing to add value to each MTM team while at the same time providing the space for each team to bless other MTM teams as well.
Our hope is that the EuroHub community will serve to increase efficiency (of each MTM team’s initiative) as a result of synergistic collaboration.
The EuroHub is a space for:
Increased networking among MTM practitioners
Ongoing coaching and training
Access to existing and developing resources
Practitioners to give and receive support
And more…
How the EuroHub will serve MTM teams
Invitation to join monthly Accelerate coaching calls
Trainings in fundraising,
content creation, etc.
Join EuroHub Slack channel
for ongoing networking and collaboration
Leads for potential partnership/coalition development
Discounted Media Summit pricing and bonus content
OneKingdom annual report
that can be shared with supporters
Access to additional content library / MTM campaigns