Important Registration Steps:
- In the “Promo Code” box, enter eurohub24 for a discount.
This applies to all attendees who serve on a EuroHub Team. If you aren’t yet a member of the EuroHub, please do not enter any code. - Select either Individual or Volunteer Registration.
If you are registering more than one person, select the total number you are registering, minus spouses (spouses will be added later at a discounted rate). - If either of these Special Circumstances apply, select the number of add-on tickets that you need.
If neither circumstance applies, skip to step 4.- For each spouse attending Media Summit, please select the “Spouse Rate” ticket.
- For each individual who does not wish to share a room, please add a “Single Accommodation Preference” ticket.
- Click the red “Check Out” button and then answer the following registration questions.
- Enter your payment information and click the red “Place Order” button to finalize your order.
If you have any trouble with the registration process, please let us know.