Pursuing the Great Commission Together
Partner with us
Our vision is to see the Great Commission fulfilled in Europe, together. We can’t do this alone. And we wouldn’t want to. We believe God is glorified and we’re stronger when we partner together for the sake of advancing the Kingdom. We invite you to pray about how you might get involved and reach out to us for next steps.
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For new or experienced media-to-movement teams.
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For those with a passion to see media serve disciple-making movements in Europe.
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Learn More about Partnering
No disciple-making movement has ever happened without extraordinary prayer. Would you commit to pray for Europe and the teams trying to make disciples there?
You can signup to pray for any of these prayer initiatives:
We believe in the Kingdom Economy where we try to give away all that we can to MTM teams to help their ministry accelerate making disciples. Your financial partnership increases our capacity to do that.
Click here to make the mission of OneKingdom your mission, too.
Serve Alongside the Onekingdom team
Content creation is one of the main ongoing challenges for every MTM team. We have some content pioneered in Bosnia that we give away to any team that wants it as a starter for them to get their creation process going. At the same time we are learning that locally-sourced, unpolished content draws and keeps people’s attention longer which enhances the media team’s opportunity to respond.
There are ongoing needs for new content ideas, graphic support, video recording and editing. Would you like to explore more how your skills can be used to bless the Kingdom Mission of the church?
Although social media is an effective way to find and connect with seekers, it is also a moving target. What worked this month and kept us off the tech companies’ radar may not work next month. This situation often requires technical expertise that many MTM teams don’t have. Also, during the coaching stage, “Setup Online Presence”, a lot of technical work needs to be done.
Would you like to help MTM teams navigate their setup stage and be a source for troubleshooting issues? Would you like to help research new technologies and social channels?
Social media marketing has proven to be a capable strategy to find spiritually seeking people since so much data is now available to form the audience that will consume the content. Since technology changes so quickly, a MTM team needs to know where their target people are while online by following social media trends and being aware of the felt needs they are seeking answers for. Therefore, there is a constant need to refine the content and ads so they will target the right person at the right time.
Would you like to help MTM teams be more effective in their disciple-making? Would you like to sharpen your marketing skills by helping develop media content and ads that will serve to fish for seekers?